
Connection in Relationships and How to Rebuild It

Jul 02, 2023

You may find yourselves at a crossroad in your relationship, and you may be thinking about what went wrong and wondering if it is possible to repair the hurt and disconnect that has accumulated over the years.

Strength of Connection

When it comes to looking at relationships, it can be helpful to consider the strength of your connection.

The strength of your connection can be understood by looking at a few key aspects:

  1. The sense that you exist to each other: It is crucial to feel that you matter to one another and that you are present in each other's lives.

  2. Being top of mind: A strong connection is one where you feel that you matter to your partner. That they think of you when you're not there and that they consider you and you them. 

  3. A knowing that you are there for each other emotionally, physically (and intimately) when you need or when you reach for each other. 

  4. Feeling cherished and protected: A healthy relationship involves feeling valued and...

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How Couples Unintentionally Hurt Each Other

Jun 01, 2023

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to overlook the small yet powerful ways in which we unknowingly reject our partners. These seemingly insignificant actions, if left unaddressed, can gradually erode the foundation of love and connection within our relationships. Learn the subtle but detrimental ways we reject each other daily and the long-term effects they can have on our relationships.

  1. Ignoring Emotional Needs: One of the subtle ways we inadvertently reject our partners is by dismissing or invalidating their feelings. When we fail to acknowledge or empathise with their emotions, we send a message that their inner world is insignificant. Over time, this can lead to a sense of isolation, resentment, and emotional distance between partners.

  2. Withholding Communication: Silence can be just as damaging as hurtful words. When we avoid open and honest communication, we deny our partners the opportunity to be heard and understood. This withholding of...

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