
How to Support Your Partner When They're Anxious

May 04, 2023

Hey there, friend! Do you have a partner who struggles with anxiety? It can be tough to watch someone you love experience feelings of fear and worry, and it's natural to want to help. But sometimes, it's hard to know what to do or say. That's why I'm here to share some tips on how to support your anxious partner. Whether you're new to the relationship or have been together for years, there are things you can do to ease their anxiety and strengthen your bond. So grab a cup of tea, get cozy, and let's dive in!

First of all, it's important to understand that anxiety is a complex and often overwhelming experience. Your partner may feel like they're trapped in a cycle of worry and fear that they can't control. It's not a choice, and it's not something they can simply "snap out of." With that in mind, it's crucial to approach the situation with compassion and patience. Remember that your partner is doing the best they can, and that you're in this together. When you're able to empathise...

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Unpacking Attachment Styles: How your Childhood Shapes Your Relationships (and Why You Should Care)

Mar 17, 2023

Imagine this: you're on a first date with someone, and things are going pretty well. You're laughing, you're flirting, and you're feeling that spark of attraction. But then, they casually mention that they have a pet carpet snake, and suddenly you're having flashbacks to that time your cousin's carpet snake crawled up your leg when you were six years old. Cue the panic attack.

Sound familiar? Well, it turns out that your childhood experiences might have more of an impact on your adult relationships than you think. Specifically, your attachment style - the way you formed emotional bonds with your primary caregivers as a child - can shape the way you interact with romantic partners later in life. And don't worry, I'm not going to get all Freudian on you. This is science, baby.

What is Attachment Theory anyway?

Ah, Attachment Theory - the study of how your childhood scars can haunt you for the rest of your life. Just kidding...kind of. Attachment theory is actually a psychological...

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